58 definitions by Lady Csyde

A phallic green squash-like vegetable developed from a cross between a cucumber and a tribble. Reproduces by taking control of the mind of the grower and forcing them to give away mass quantities of fruit to people who already have too much zucchini to begin with.
Oh, no, here she comes with another bag of zucchini! Lock the door before she sneaks it into the house!
by Lady Csyde February 4, 2006
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An NFL player who went to war in Afghanistan before everyone who realized what a disaster it would be, and then died in a pointless friendly fire incident; a man of great courage and conviction, and very little faith.
"Is it true Pat Tillman was an atheist?"
"Well, he didn't go to church, but even if he was, does that make him any less of an American hero?
by Lady Csyde February 6, 2007
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A mid-length, fluffyish mullet associated with hockey players, especially those from Canada and Eastern Europe in the 1990s. Compare football hair.
Now that's something you don't see anymore -- that guy's got the old-school hockey hair. Business in front, beating in the back.
by Lady Csyde December 17, 2007
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A type of plant life that is used to manufacture plastic grocery bags. They once grew in great numbers in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
I only had one item at the checkout, so I told the cashier to save a plastic tree and just took the receipt.
by Lady Csyde March 28, 2007
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A quiet clap appropriate for a golf course. On fark.com, implies a certain level of sarcasm in the applause.
He wanted us to be impressed. I showed him just how impressed I was with the golf clap.
by Lady Csyde January 8, 2004
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The most commonly heard profanity in a Yosemite Sam tirade; more or less equivalent to motherfucker, sanitized for children.
That ratchafratchin' rabbit...
by Lady Csyde November 26, 2006
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Dating when pregnant in hopes of finding a guy who will help you raise your kid after the loser who impregnated you got kicked to the curb. Not exactly wrong, but definitely asking for a lot of frustration.
I liked her, but I was afraid she was daddy shopping. I just couldn't deal with that.
by Lady Csyde January 19, 2007
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