11 definitions by Lace Valentine

1) To rework a photo with an editing program such as Photoshop and then to post it on the web, mainly to Fark.com

2) Sexual relations

3) Wasting time on Fark
"Contest is open only to entries of actual, unaltered screenshots with no additional editing (including, but not limited to, Photoshopping, "FARKing" and/or other form of digital enhancement...) --Everquest II rules

"I was farking my lover before realizing I should have been at work."

"I spent all day farking on the internet."
by Lace Valentine January 28, 2005
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1. A pretty woman who hasn't yet lost her baby fat.

2. A woman who still have a fun, pixie, naughty side.

3. An adjective to declare something as weak, flighty, fearful, or a bad show of masculinity.
"Her face is soft and girly and she's an angel."

"She's a girly woman that likes to take bubble baths."

"Don't be a girly man!" --Arnold
by Lace Valentine November 13, 2004
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1. A hobo whimsy best expressed by a musical and lyrical genius that is legendary and rich with sly legerdemain. A Gypsy talent.

2. A national treasure usually found roughing it among vagrant campfires, eating baked beans, singing verses of box cars and Martha, playing harmonica that is kept in his coat's breast pocket on cold nights.

3. A dancing set of bones--such as the Elephant Man--summoned up from the dead to take the listener on an eerie ride, i.e. the Gospel Train on Halloween.
"Tom Waits for no man. But I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." --Nick Cave to Henry Mancini
by Lace Valentine October 30, 2004
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1. Slang for a Homosexual.

2. Ice cream with bits of candied fruit.

3. An early rock song written by Little Richard and covered by Pat Boone but not by Tom Waits.
"A wop bop a loo bop, a wop bam boom, Tutti Frutti, aw Rudi!" --Little Richard
by Lace Valentine November 9, 2004
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