26 definitions by LaDeena

Someone who is addicted to carbohydrates and sweets.
Yes, she is on the Atkins diet and gets flack from every starch mouth within a 5 mile radius.
by LaDeena March 3, 2010
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Bunch of company asskissing retards who throw out grievences filed against a company based on the sex of the person who filed the grievence.
UAW International dismissed the grievence because she didn't have a shlong hanging between her legs.
by LaDeena June 4, 2006
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Test taken to prove that a man is either the father or not the father of a child. ( see Maury show)
Stephanie tried to refuse to take the paternity test proving he wasn't the father because she didn't want the other guy to find out he wasn't the father either.
by LaDeena June 3, 2006
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A relationship that is filled with so much drama it feels like a bad soap opera. Starts out as a normal relationship until the Dramaholic's true nature emerges, usually set off my some miniscule happening on the other person's part.The more the normal person tries to be avoid drama, the more the dramaholic tries to create, usually with the intention to break the normal person's spirit and sanity. Usually end up as domestic violence cases when the normal person refuses to be broken down.
I am so happy and grateful that I am out of that dramalationship!!
by LaDeena October 11, 2009
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A girl who boo hoo's and ba ha's about all the shit in her life that's going on claiming "Too much drama" but in reality brings it all on herself.
Deana is such a fucking drama queen.
by LaDeena June 4, 2006
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A woman who is a little bit too fond of giving oral sex.
Stephanie is a seminal receptor
by LaDeena June 4, 2006
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I wouldn't trust her if I were you. She's a silver, I'm telling you!
by LaDeena June 3, 2006
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