53 definitions by Lârry Dângüs, esq.

An accidental homicide which is the result of a particularly ridiculous blunder. A murderp can be easily distinguished from an ordinary case of murder or manslaughter by the level of unmitigated buffoonery which brings it to fruition.
Just as the hostage was about to be released, a trigger-happy police sniper fired at the kidnapper but instead hit the hostage, killing her instantly. Soon afterward, the officer was brought up on charges of second degree merderp.

If your keep allowing your toddler to carry baby ducks around by their necks, I fear a murderp will soon be taking place.

After wrecking his parents' car because he liked to drive while huffing solvent fumes, young George W. Bush knew he had to make up a good cover story. His parents would have been furious if they found out the car had actually been murderped.
by Lârry Dângüs, esq. January 24, 2011
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a mindset which tends to despoil the moral integrity of women who engage in ass-shaking on a professional basis for an extended period.

Over time, exposure to the shake joint environment has a tendency to exacerbate latent neuroses in females, particularly those which negatively affect their interpersonal relationships with males. Primary indicators of stripper mentality include emotional disassociation, narcissism and drug addiction.

As the stripper mentality takes hold of their personalities, these women come to view men as mark-ass tricks, trick-ass marks, and straight up sucker motherfuckers of whom they might take advantage. The pleasure they derive from sexual relations is often diminished, as the female instead comes to view sex - or more often, the promise of sex - as a means to an end, with the ends most commonly being acquisition of currency, material goods, illicit psychoactive substances, or some combination thereof.
My girlfriend just started stripping and she's making great money, but I'm worried that she might eventually fall prey to the stripper mentality. I've already closed our joint bank account just to be safe.
by Lârry Dângüs, esq. February 7, 2012
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The state of being a dicktard, which is a half retard/half dick. Dicktardation most commonly occurs among the species known as homo sapiens. See also: fucktardation.
How is it possible for these insane arguments for drug prohibition to continue in our supposedly advanced culture? Isn't it time to recognize that the so-called 'war on drugs' cannot be 'won', and merely persists because of its enormously consistent profitability? History has shown us that the only way to reduce the potential for harm in prohibited drugs is to legalize, educate and regulate.

Unfortunately, due to massive dicktardation on the part of the politicians, judges and police who create and enforce these puritanical prohibition laws, rampant gang violence and the senseless incarceration of non-violent 'offenders' will continue on endlessly.
by Lârry Dângüs, esq. November 10, 2010
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A bot which appears to have originated in the former Soviet Union.

This term can also be used more generally to describe a bot that defies one's efforts to identify its place of origin.
Got another friend request from a Russian Roomba today.

Legend has it the ZuccBot 9000 gives birth to them from his own anus.
by Lârry Dângüs, esq. November 13, 2019
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The act of vomiting while also spraying diarrhea.

Launching your lunch while you paint the town brown.
My first food poisoning involved a very intense run and gun situation.
by Lârry Dângüs, esq. July 7, 2023
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Activities which are routinely associated with the sale and use of crack cocaine. Cracktivities are normally characterized by the desperate style with which they are executed. Cracktivities often include (but are not limited to) such things as:

1. the sucking/jerking on/off of trouser trout for a relatively small amount of money.

2. the typical smash and grab.

3. being secretly filmed by the police while you pace around in a hotel room, smoking rocks with a hooker, à la Marion Barry.

4. anything Amy Winehouse participates in while she is not in rehab.

5. anything the ODB participated in prior to his death (which was, of course, due to cracktivities).

6. most undertakings which occur within the confines or close proximity of a sketch pad.

When passing through the city of Memphis, it is highly advisable to keep one's car windows rolled up and avoid stopping if at all possible. This will minimize the likelihood of your becoming entangled with the inevitably omnipresent cracktivities.
by Lârry Dângüs, esq. September 21, 2008
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