52 definitions by Kurt

Usually describing a human of the female gender, who is capable of making any stiuation become about them at a simple turn of a word, also when confronted about the "drama" becomes so enraged she spits in ones face similar to a llama
"That bitch Amber just spit in my face because I pointed out what a drama filled bitch she was being!"

"Yeah I told you that bitch was a Drama Llama!"
by Kurt September 24, 2006
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That picture was real horrorshow. It's like nothing I've ever viddied at the cinny.
by Kurt March 28, 2005
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"Oh, your just going to THROW me away!"
-Dead body of guy in dumpster
by Kurt April 30, 2004
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A very cold Dead Body, releasing steam. Therefore, it must be... Steaming Corpse!
See: Kadaver, dead body, Nasty
I was clubbed so hard, that i became a steaming corpse, in seconds.
by Kurt June 8, 2004
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the process of inserting fecal matter into a vaginal opening then subsequently delevering a stricking blow to the uteran area whereby said fecal matter is focefully and quickly exspelled through the vaginal opening
Charlie hated Clarissa so much he gave her a nasty oil change.
by Kurt January 25, 2005
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to adorn oneself for the sole purpose of having sex.
1.she must have done somthing to her hair to make her sexyfied.

2.That jacket makes you totaly sexyfied.
by Kurt May 12, 2004
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