24 definitions by KungFu

A failed gatekeeper. Usually found with other fallen gatekeepers in bars or clubs reliving the glory days. Most of the time you'll never see them exept in grocery stores, or at license renewal.
Damn look at that pack of fat chicks. They must be fallen gatekeepers
by KungFu April 5, 2005
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an embarassing moment where suddenly your face blushes quickly and you can actually feel yourself blush. Sometimes accompanied with a sudden dropping feeling in your stomach.
We were at a party and I figured I could sneak out a fart but just as I did the music stopped and I got a serious hot flash.
by KungFu April 5, 2005
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1.NOT to be confused with a democrat. A liberal is a person with a far left mentality who is so far gone they refuse to listen to anyone else’s point of view. The hypocrisy of the liberal doesn't stop there, they constantly protest other peoples way of life and life choices under the label of freedom never realizing that all the protesting and complaining they do only creates more laws and rules thus further restricting freedom.
2. Hypocrite
3. A follower who believes they are a leader.
4. A person who makes decisions based on emotions or off of what another liberal said never from facts.
1. In the state of California liberals complained compulsively about building a natural energy source. When the state finally did build a windmill field. The liberals protested it claiming it was killing birds that flew into the energy windmills.
2. Ted Kennedy
by KungFu April 4, 2005
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The fat,ugly, or fat and ugly girl that attaches herself to a good looking girl. The soul existance of a gatekeeper is to keep the pretty girl from ever meeting someone. If the gatekeeper is beaten by a man know as the chosen one or a man with a wingman the gatekeeper will no longer have any reason to exist and becomes a fallen gatekeeper.
Did you see that hottie at the end of the bar? dude, fly wingman for me and take out the gatekeeper.
by KungFu April 5, 2005
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A pro-stunter is a person who performs tricks and maneuvers on a street motorcycle and is able to earn money doing so. Pros often make thier money by video taping the tricks and maneuvers and selling these stunt tapes and DVDs. However, there are also many pros that are able to earn money by doing shows, competing in events, and sometimes working in full scale movie productions world wide.
Starboyz, Todd Colbert and Team Xtreem, Thew and 1096, Streetfighterz, J.T.holt, Dan Jackson, AC Ferias, Gary Rothwell
by KungFu April 4, 2005
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1. Short for Home Owners Association.
2. Lawn Nazis
3. The masters of bitching, whining and complaining world wide.
4. What happens to dorks when they grow up
5. People who charge you money so they can tell you what to do with your property so you can please everyone else exept you.
6. mentally challenged
7. Where people go when they are too lazy to do anything productive
8. Above the law
I just got the Highlands Ranch H.O.A. bill and it's 110.00 and they want me to paint my house a new color
by KungFu April 4, 2005
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