24 definitions by KungFu

80s term. means a person that will definatly give you sex, no excuses, no ifs ands or buts. Sex is imminant
Bro I'm going over to heathers house later, she is a sure thing
by KungFu April 5, 2005
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the one who can get passed the gatekeeper without aid of a wingman.
I scored last night, I am truly the chosen one.
by KungFu April 5, 2005
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verb, The act of wrapping ones penis around the wrist like a watch in order to trick another person into looking at ones dong. Commonly used with a question to the intended victim.
"have you seen my new rolex?"
by KungFu April 1, 2005
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The foundation of all sportbikes. The CBR "fireblade" produced by Honda is one of the top selling sporbikes world wide. Extreemly high build quality and a perfect blend of Power and Flickability. The Fireblade is also credited for being one of the top machines in racing and extreme stunt riding. Many critics say that without the fireblade sportbikes would be no where near what they are today.
by KungFu April 1, 2005
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when you are in a store and you know there is something you want or need but you can't think of it.
Damnit I know there is something I needed from here, crap I have music store syndrome
by KungFu April 5, 2005
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A person that performs tricks and skilled maneuvers on a street motorcycle.
Did you see that guy pull off that mad circle wheelie?
Ya, he is a stunter with the skills.
by KungFu April 4, 2005
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A un-official millitary term. Used as a code word for "there is an officer, staff non commissioned officer, or anyone else of higher rank that will get you in trouble for goofing off". Founded by the cannoneers of battery P 5/14. The term may not have worked all that well since that unit no longer exists.
by KungFu April 4, 2005
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