3 definitions by Kuhnaydeein

Acronym: Just Another Fucking Oxygen Breather.
A Submariners term used to save oxygen when talking on the Subma.
As first used by John Hodgman in his Novel "The Areas of My Expertise."
Variation on the term Jafo.
Anybody who doesn't know about Subma terms, it is safe to assume, is a Jafob.
by Kuhnaydeein March 19, 2008
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The act of getting your brains fucked out, through your ass.
Guy 1: Hey, you know that Cheryl chick?
Guy 2: Yeah, I hear she's into Anal.
Guy 1: Hell yeah, I hooked up with her last night and gave her a total Losodomy! I had her walking funny and mumbling incoherently all night!
by Kuhnaydeein April 14, 2010
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The art of trying to appear to be listening to someone, but just reacting to the last thing they said in an agreeing manner.
I was talking to my buddy Bob about my daily grind with work, and my wife making a big deal about the "hassle" taking our daughter to Disney Land.

He replied with "Yeah, Disney Land can be pretty stressful." ... He totally missed my point, typical Reactive Listening!

Antonym: Active Listening
by Kuhnaydeein June 30, 2014
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