8 definitions by Krondo

The tightest MC you've ever never heard of.
by Krondo February 10, 2005
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To hold a gun horizontally instead of the way it is normally suppose to be held vertically. This reduces accuracy to close to 0% and makes it nearly impossible to hit someone unless they are right near you. Its commonly used by "gangsters" and rappers usually hold their "gatts" this way.
Look at 50-Cent holding that berretta gangster style, he couldn't fucking hit a blimp with that thing.
by Krondo March 2, 2005
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Clozapine is a sever anti-psychotic usually used to treat schizophrenia. What's notable about it is its most common side affect, the destruction of white blood cells. Patients that take clozapine sometimes have their white blood cells decreased rapidly right after taking the medication. Due to this fact, every time a person needs to get a supply, they need to complete a white blood cell test.
Me, Gary and John started taking Clozapine.
by Krondo February 28, 2005
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Xanax (alprazolam) in 2 mg pills. They are called sticks because the shape, it looks like 4 small squares in a row in the shape of a stick.
Yo nigga, you got any sticks
by Krondo February 25, 2005
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Its also used to treat extreme pain, usually in Cancer patients. Methadone is usually prescribed after other narcotic agents are proven to be innafective. Its usually prescribed in large doses, usually 120 pills to be taken 4 times a day.
Oxcontin didn't work for Mr. Jones, so his doctor prescribed Methadone.
by Krondo February 28, 2005
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One of the most strongest narcotic agents ever developed. Its 40x more potent than heroin and is often sold on the street as heroin, causing many an accidental death. It comes are Duragesic patches and as lollipops (no joke). The amount of fentanyl in a Duragesic patch is enough to kill a person if they would ingest it directly.
When someone overdoses on fentanyl, it just cleans up the gene pool even more.
by Krondo February 28, 2005
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Accutane a.k.a isotretinoin, is a medication used to treat severe acne and other skins conditions. It's derived from Vitamin A and it essentially disables all the cells in your body that create oil. While this stops acne, it causes other problems such as extremely dried lips and in rare cases, alopecia. It does not cause depression and/or suicide as many seem to believe. Congressman Bart Stupak, a total douche bag if you look as his picture, had his son commit suicide because his father never had time to ever be with him. Since politcians always love to point the blame, Stupak blamed Accutane and launched a crusade to get it off the market. It's always easier to blame skin medication than the regiment of anti-depressents your son was on due to your poor parenting.
I had acne all over my face before I took Accutane
by Krondo February 28, 2005
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