89 definitions by Kristen

The way Kristen feels about Timothy!!! :)
I am full of adoration for him!
by Kristen February 3, 2005
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The lady who gave you life.
In this context, it is usually used as an insult.
Billy: "I think you are very ugly."
Tommy: "Yo momma!"
by Kristen March 10, 2004
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he looks so good~~~~~ sexy<mine mine mine>
neener~ neener~ neener!!!!!
by Kristen March 27, 2005
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Okay. Sometimes I do get upset, and cry when I don't get what I want, when I want it...but that doesn't mean I'm a spoiled brat. It just means I'm persistant. Plus in the end I usually end up getting what I want
Crissy cried until her Mom finally said she could get those super cute $80 jeans from Abercrombie&Fitch
by Kristen March 7, 2005
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