5 definitions by KrikenKing

A young business enterprise for British school 6th-formers.
Guy 1: What are you selling this for?

Guy 2: It's for young enterprise.
by KrikenKing March 10, 2010
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Guy 1: What should we do next?

Guy 2: putanothershrimponthebarbie !
by KrikenKing March 2, 2010
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A music player that plays MP3, WMA and similar-type music files and looks suspiciously like an IPod. It may or not have better functionality, but either, unlike any make of IPod, it isn't horrendously costly.
Guy 1: Applefag.
Guy 2: What?
Guy 3: You have an IPod there, Applefag.
Guy 4: It's not an IPod, it's an, er...Fakepod.
Guy 5: ...Fakepod?
Guy 6: You know, an music player that looks like an IPod but isn't stupidly expensive.
Guy 7: I see... You've opened my eyes at last!
by KrikenKing January 16, 2010
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Going out of your way/speaking up to do something unnecessarily - usually in defence or to protect someone. And it is usually associated with naivety or idiocy, even.
Stop bending backwards to defend the prime minister. True, he's not necessarily bad in this case, but it's not like he's some hero, all of a sudden.
by KrikenKing February 28, 2010
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The word that actually means exactly the same thing as 'egotistical...'

1. Caring about oneself rather than others.
2. Tending to talk excessively about oneself.
3. Believing oneself to be better and more important than others.
4. Egotistical
by KrikenKing March 11, 2010
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