5 definitions by Kori

Amazing band.
Do NOT NOT NOT NOT suck live.
in fact, are fucking amazing live. (seen them twice!)
i touched their bassist's (matt!) ankle and shoe, in chicago, while he was playing. highlight of my fucking LIFE.
by Kori October 7, 2004
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Dismayed or displeased; aggravated.
by Kori August 26, 2003
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Man, that vampyr in that movie was so fake.
by Kori July 16, 2004
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Adorable exclaimation of joy and excitement, usually used by females.
He bought me a new car. w00ties!
by Kori August 26, 2003
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A group or team made on an online computer game. Consists of geeks or nerds.
by Kori July 16, 2004
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