10 definitions by Knowledgeable1!

Someone who lives in your neighborhood and always drives through with their music so loud everyone can hear it. Also could be someone who dosent live there, but drives through on a daily basis, i.e friends house, school, work.

Also very fucking annoying though if its always when your trying to go to sleep.
Damn man im so tired today, the neighborhood dj drove through at 2 fucking am and woke me up.

A: Damn dude you hear that? Thats some bone thugz!

B: Ya bro that's the neighborhood dj, he works right down the street.
by Knowledgeable1! November 25, 2009
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Smoking alot in a small enclosed area, such as a room or car, and letting the smoke just sit there.
Bro Steven is passed out, lets turn his car into a bake box!
by Knowledgeable1! November 24, 2009
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When you take a Wendy's frosty float with cherry coke and a Taco Bell baja blast and mix them together.
A: What you do last night bro.

B: Got high as fuck, made a Frosty Blast.

A: Whaaaat!
by Knowledgeable1! November 24, 2009
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Term for an ashtray or small plate used for dumping out bowls or putting out joints.
Bro this bowl is cashed, pass me the collection plate.
by Knowledgeable1! November 24, 2009
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Bro meet me at the park later and ill skunk you out

I guess steven was in a good mood, he invited everyone over and had a skunk out.
by Knowledgeable1! November 24, 2009
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When you tell someone you just want a sip of there drink, but take more like a chug
A: bro let me get a sip of that

B: what the fuck! way to take a man sip asshole!
by Knowledgeable1! December 10, 2009
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