2 definitions by Knob_Handler

An adjective used by a co-worker constantly because he is unable to use his tiny brain to think of another word.
Dumbass: The position is with company A or company B; is this something you can see yourself doing?

Person A: Yes it is

Dumbass: Fantastic! You will be a fantastic person to work for this fantastic company
by Knob_Handler February 11, 2015
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A completely useless gesture that is used to annoy people because they do not understand what it means.

The gesture looks like the hand gesture for money; rubbing your thumb together with your pointer and middle finger. However, instead of holding your hands straight up, you would hold them to the side
Person 1: Is he giving us the money signal?
Person 2: No he is holding it to the side
Person 1: What does it mean????
Person 2: I do not know

Person 3: Its the MoizGesture motha fuckas

Person 1 + 2: WHAT IS Moiz Gesture MEAN???
by Knob_Handler February 24, 2015
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