45 definitions by KnightofNerdom

A statement made by a teacher or college professor signifying that the allotted time for taking a test or exam has run out and all students must cease writing answers. In some cases, continuing to write even after being told "pencils down" may result in an automatic failure of the test.
Goofy: *daydreams and draws on test paper*

Professor: Pencils down!

Goofy: *continues to daydream and draw*

Professor: I said "pencils down"! *confiscates test paper to grade it*

Goofy: Wait a minute. I'm not finished! I'm......

Professor: Over Mr. Goof.
by KnightofNerdom February 13, 2019
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When you have to really use the bathroom or take a big shit. Usually after eating a big or greasy meal.
John: Oh, man. That 72oz steak went right through me. I'll be fighting in World War Toilet tonight.
by KnightofNerdom November 15, 2019
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A statement one makes when collecting money won in a wager or bet of any kind. A reference to The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Godwin: I got 5 bucks you don't make this shot.

Jep: I will take that bet. *misses his shot*

Godwin: Pay the piper son.
by KnightofNerdom June 19, 2019
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An expression when an athlete must sit on the bench and not participate in a sporting event. Various reasons include poor performance, injury, illness, or in the case of students athletes, incapable of maintaining required academic levels in school.
Greg: That's why I love being goalie. Always know my place in the pipes.

Les: (chuckles) You're riding the Pine Pony pal. Julie's one, you're two.

Greg: I'm the backup?! How could he do this to me?!
by KnightofNerdom May 9, 2019
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A code phrase invented by Kevin Hart's smartest dumbest friend Harry. It is used to avoid discussing topics that would get them in trouble with their wives/girlfriends.
Sam: So, how about last night at the club....

Chris: Man, I'm hungry as shit!

Sam: I'm not, I just ate. Man you was so....

Chris: Sammy! I said "Man, I'm hungry as shit!"

Sam: Why don't you get a footlong at Subway for $5?

Chris: Sammy! I said "MAN, I AM HUNGRY AS SHIT!!!!!"

Sam: Then why don't you eat that fine girl's pussy?
by KnightofNerdom September 25, 2019
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Something you do or give to your significant other that they weren’t excepting. Usually used to earn brownie points or show you genuinely care
Casey had really bought some nice gifts for his girlfriends birthday, but he was saving one of them as a secret weapon to really show he loved her
by KnightofNerdom March 25, 2019
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Sober; does not do drugs or drink alcohol of any kind
Peter: Hey Brian. You wanna down a couple of beers while we smoke some pot?

Brian: Nah, I'm straight edge
by KnightofNerdom December 14, 2021
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