2 definitions by KnightimeX

Video games that don't offer difficulty settings lower than intended difficulty omitting less-than-skilled players from enjoying the author's creation till the very end.
Player A: I paid $60 for a game I really wanted to enjoy! But because of the difficulty gate I'm not going to be able to finish this!
Player B: Have you tried getting better at the game? Screw difficulty gate, git gud!
Player A: Don't talk to your mother like that! You know I'll never to be able to do what you can do!
by KnightimeX October 21, 2017
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Used to sum up an event, action or feeling as a whole.

That's full of bullshit and gayness.

(Not of the homosexual kind either)
Dude 1: I got a ticket today. Girlfriend broke up with me, I got fired from my job, and my Xbox 360 got RROD!

Dude 2: Wow bro your day sucked.

Dude 1: I know right? fucking Rainbows and shit.
by KnightimeX December 1, 2011
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