9 definitions by Knighshade

Shat ( ''pronounced'' shat). Though this is not Old English, it is the past participle of s--t. From Anglo-Saxon (Old English) ''bescätan'', "befowled".
Austin and Nigel Powers: "And then she shat on a turtle" (written in subtitles).
by Knighshade July 11, 2004
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A fearsome critter that supposedly lives in Montana that resembles a trout, yet nests in trees and is covered in fur. Its fur is purportedly very fine, and thus extremely valuable.
Woah! That fur-bearing trout is even cooller than the jackelope I saw earlier!
by Knighshade July 11, 2004
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A fearsome critter resembling a jack rabbit with antelope horns and a pheasant's tail. It is said to yoddle after lonely cowboys. Contraction of ''jack rabbit'' + ''antelope''.
Did you hear that, Cassidy? It sounds like a jackelope. Reminds me of the hodag we saw the other day.
by Knighshade July 11, 2004
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'''gi•zem•bluck''' ( ''pronounced'' gih'-zehm-bluk). A euphemism; comparable to rats, crap, drat, or dang; used to express mild disappointment. Probably a contraction of god + d--n + f--k.
Gizembluck! I can't find where I put my camera!
by Knighshade July 11, 2004
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A tree-hugging hippie. So called after hylozoism — the belief that trees have souls.
Hey look over there! Bellingham's full of high-lows!
by Knighshade July 11, 2004
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The divine name of the leader of the ancient '''Greek''' pantheon; '''Not''' preserved by Roman Catholicism in the "Latin-derived bastardizations" of the Hebrew name Yeshua, and not adopted at all by Christianity.

The Hispanic pronunciation of Jesus is "hay-soos", because that is exactly how it looks to someone who speaks spanish.

Jesus in English is pronounced phonetically as well, which is why we say "jee-zuss", and any idiot who thinks the French ''je'' is pronounced "jee" needs to go back to high school.
In Greece they spell Zeus, ''Dias''
by Knighshade July 11, 2004
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A "fearsome critter" reputed to live in Michigan. Supposedly, it is a hairy frog which has large webs between its arms and legs, allowing it to glide like a flying squirrel. It enjoys sub-zero temperatures, and during the summer it migrates to the north pole to keep cool.
Woah! Look! That smeet frog is even wierder than that fur-bearing trout we saw earlier!
by Knighshade July 11, 2004
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