80 definitions by Kitty

The most godly kind of baked good in the entire universe. Comes in many different flavors: lemon, blueberry, chocolate chip, apricot, banana, bran, fetus, raisin, cinnamon, oatmeal, and many more!
innocent bystander: "Dag, yo, I needs me a muffin."
muffin man: "Gee, I gotz da best muffinz eva. Gimme money."
by Kitty September 30, 2005
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Cow punk is a music genre that developed in Dallas's arts district (known as Deep Ellum) in the mid nineties. Influences include punk, country and rock. Similar to psychobilly, but where psychobilly has death metal and goth influences, cow punk is all about fun times, pretty girls and good cars. Jeff Tweedy of Wilco is known as the genius behind the phenomenon. Ryan Adams (formerly of Whiskeytown), the Old 97's, and the Waco Brothers are some other notable cow punk rockers.
Put on your Buddy Holly glasses and big tacky belt buckle - we're going to a cow punk set at the Gypsy Tea Room tonight!
by Kitty January 17, 2005
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to smile so large to apoint that it is unhealthy .... most often seen in school pictures
that bitch was cheese'n in that picture
by Kitty February 18, 2003
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Someone who thinks they are goth, but in fact are just as mainstream as preps. They only listen to Marilyn Manson, Korn, etc and no real hardcore bands.
Mansonites are only a step above posers
by Kitty August 21, 2003
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the act of sucking ejaculatory fluids out of the anal cavity that you just went off in: usually with a straw, more precisely the bendy kind
The other night when i jizzed in Justins butt, I fletchered that right back out of their
by Kitty April 25, 2005
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