80 definitions by Kitty

A female who messes men around by flirting and 'teasing' them to such an extent that the man in question has given up all hope and soon leaves the club. Common actions include: 1. The-smile-and-nab-drink-from-hand 2. Light stomach punching 3. Being ignorant
She was sooo 'doing a kitty' last night..
by Kitty November 26, 2004
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A shit-tastic game filled with doucheclowns.
"0mfg i r 2 l33t 4 u c0z i r v3t N u=n00b gg ezpz -nt-"
by Kitty March 26, 2005
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A man with incredible sexual prowess and/or extreme skill at all forms of love-making.
That guy I hooked up with last night is a real boy-wunder; I'm exhausted but happy.
by Kitty November 20, 2003
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