80 definitions by Kitty

1. A thing that is bright, and shiny.
2. A great forum in the cruel world we call internet; glowworm depository; dolfie haven.
1. This diamond ring is a bright shiny thing.

2. I'm going to the Bright Shiny Thing now to collect wormies!
by Kitty May 15, 2004
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A web log (see blog) that is...

1) used to record pointless and retarded things that happen every single day
2) used to record the places an emo 12-year-old cuts himself
3) mostly full of utter crap nobody wants to know
4) overrated
5) something that everyone seems to have
Every other definition has exellent examples. XD
by Kitty April 24, 2005
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it means do u want to fight cause we can fight right now come lets fight
marie i hear u wamt to fight me and saying shit if u want to get it the poping we can get it the poping
by Kitty February 27, 2005
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Hottest guy ever, no questions asked. AGREE OR DIE!!!!!
(From the kick-ass anime Gundam Wing that Cartoon Network massacred with its editing.)
Ohmigod! Duo is such a bishonen! I love him!
by Kitty January 10, 2005
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One who farms pillows, if filled with cotton, then the farmer would be negro.
"That chocolate is such a pillowfarmer!"
by Kitty September 12, 2004
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stoner-ville, the land where stoners prevail and thrive.
Hey! Lets all go to Windsor, we need to get gooked!
by Kitty December 13, 2003
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