1 definition by Kitten your lovely lette

A bisexual is a person, male or female, that is attracted to both sexes. It is a person who can find themselves dating or getting intimate with either men or women and not care.

It does not mean they're confused about their sexuality, they know exactly what they like. They are just inbetween being homosexual or straight.

Many women find bi-sexual guys very attractive and enjoy dating them. Then, again there are women who think guys who have been with another guy before are disgusting, or will not date that guy because of it.

With women being bi-sexual it is different though. Many men think it is hot or sexy for their female partner to be with other women. They also often think that it means if they are dating a bi-sexual then they can get her to participate in threesomes, which isn't always the case.

Why is it different for women more then men, I have no clue. It is probably due to the way society is now-a-days. Just like the fact that if men sleep with many people they are congradulated by their friends, but if women sleep with a lot of people she is considered more or less a slut.

4 examples for men:

Woman:Have you ever been with a man beofore?
Man:Yes...is that a problem
Woman:~smiles~ No, not at all

Woman:You've been with a man before?!
Man:That's not a problem is it...?

Man1:Dude, you've been with men?
Man2:Yeah, so what I've been with woman too..
Man1:Dude, your such a fag.

Man1:Dude, have you ever been with men?
Man2:Yeah, does it really matter?
Man1:No, not really...

Here are some examples for women, they're aren't as many as men, but you get the jist of it:

Man:You like chicks?

Woman1:you've been with other women?
Woman1:What's that like?

FYI, I am Bisexual and hate all the slanderous things people say about not only Bisexuals, but also homosexuals as well. We can't help who we are attracted to, it't just the way we are and stop trying to change us.
by Kitten your lovely lette August 18, 2007
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