16 definitions by Kitteh

n., a side effect of being hungry or craving food, similar to growlies or the munchies. derived from winnie the pooh's phrase, 'there's a rumbly in my tumbly.'
I've got mad tummy rumblies; can you pass me the chips?
by Kitteh May 8, 2005
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n., a cuter term for the munchies (craving food without being genuinely hungry).
Mm, let's go to McDonald's. This weed's giving me the growlies.
by Kitteh May 8, 2005
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the string of a tampon.

usually referred to when a female is extremely irritated and known to be close to her period.
girl: AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

some person: Who lit the fuse on her tampon?
by Kitteh April 29, 2005
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adj., in a prolonged state of being completely clueless or too high to think straight.
This fool's stuck on stupid.
by Kitteh May 8, 2005
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Straight, as in perfectly alright, okay, etc.
Can I come over?
Yeah, it's strizzle. My parents aren't home.
by Kitteh March 5, 2005
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1. To be high enough that your mental and motor skills are significantly impaired; punished, crunished, fuuucked up, etc. in a drug-induced sense.
2. Having been severely beaten up.
'Damn, she just got pieced off one bong hit!'
'Shit man, that angry mob with baseball bats just pieced your ass.'
by Kitteh May 8, 2005
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adj., nicely stoned; quite high.
Hey, you wanna get yee?
by Kitteh May 8, 2005
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