4 definitions by Kirtune

Hurr hurr you used the same smug anime emoji every other smartass on Discord has for the last three years. You're so FUCKING FUNNY.
:smug: :smug: :smug: Look at me I can reuse a shitty emoji!!!!
by Kirtune March 16, 2020
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The people who use this website to post definitions of people's names, rather than making an actual definition for something.
Here we can see the wild Name Slut posting a definition for the name Gary, describing him as 'sexy'.
by Kirtune June 4, 2020
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1. RJW is an acronym for the term "Roblox Justice Warrior" which is a reference of a "Social Justice Warrior". The term comes from when children run around on roblox harassing other users for "inappropriate behavior" (aka, something that will cause them to be triggered).

2. RJW is also a person who destroys discord communities that troll roblox moderators or entire groups. They like to find out the accounts of the people in that discord, then proceed to mass report all of them to roblox directly via e-mail. Usually this results in the vast majority of the community getting their account terminated, or given an IP ban.
That damn RJW won't leave us alone.
by Kirtune April 10, 2018
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A Timestopper Shit is a type of that that has qualities consisting of being massive, rancid, abhorrent, putrid, rotting, boiling, highly acidic, volatile, toxic, festering, violent, horrific, diabolical, universe ending, diseased, unholy, infested, absolutely fucking disgusting, steamy, moist, chunky chili dumpy diarrhea shit. It's fabled to cause time itself to stop should it happen. You will know when somebody is about to release a Timestopper Shit.
Dude you smell that? I think someone is about to lay down a Timestopper Shit in your bathroom!
by Kirtune July 12, 2019
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