10 definitions by Kirkury

Junkman Jobber: A disheveled, non-specialized, Caucasian scab tradesman, consistently performing slipshod and ramshackle workmanship, by applying half-assed shortcuts and techniques and usage of incorrect or cheap materials, using an array of outdated, malfunctioning pawnshop or stolen tools. The junkman jobber can typically be seen driving a beat up, dented, rusted out, high-mileage, ill maintained pickup truck with “rims” haphazardly loaded with tools, materials and junk left unsecure in the bed. The inside of the junkm’n jobmobile is loaded with cigarette butts, fast food wrappers, empty cans of monster energy drink, Doritos bags, cigarette packages and vape cartridges. Some sort of generic extreme sticker or branding (MMA, tacticool, tattoo-life, beard cuture) is normally present as well. The standard attire worn to work, and all other occasions, is baggy, saggy-assed jeans with tears and paint stains, a flat billed ball cap, shitty boots, some sort of extreme logo branded t-shirt with excessively crappy tattoos showing. In winter, a flannel or hoodie is added for warmth and gangsta’ effect. (hood up with ball cap on and smoke in mouth all shady like). The JJ reverts to degenerate criminal-like white trash lifestyle the moment their “professional” day or job period ends, (stealing / scavenging materials from the jobsite), or other activities usually resulting in debt, jail-time, addiction or unwanted pregnancy. The movie AFTERMATH (2013) presents this type well.
If you want your home remodeled, do not go with junkman jobber, pay the extra money for high-quality or union craftsmanship.

My roof is leaking and its not even raining! I shouldn't have hired a junkman jobber.
by Kirkury January 21, 2022
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Being a “paint job” holds reference to a half-ass hotrod. Everyone appreciates a hot rod, right?

The “paint job” is an individual who has a flashy exterior which appeals to a specific genre, demographic or subject matter audience. Despite this, the “paint job” has the bare minimum under the hood, has a crap suspension and drivetrain, and handles and performs like a shitty ramshackle jalopy. The paint job has just enough holding it together to barely propel it to its next staging area where it can sit idle whilst people “ohh and ahh” at its look and image which implies power and honed superior performance. The paint deliberately cloaks and denies access to assess its powertrain, drivetrain and suspension.

The difference between influencers, celebrities, motivational speakers and politicians, (who are all mostly paint jobs) is that the politician is “officially” and “legally” credentialzed. This means the citizens under said political regime are expected to entrust, believe, and submit to their words, actions and beliefs as hierarchical custom. The means to credentialization is often overlooked and shrouded by additional paint job credentials.

Paint fades and is cheap heat.
Man this instagram fitness influencer really know what she's doing, she has 10000+ likes for doing calisthenic movements that mankind has done for 1000s of years!

No. She's just a paint job and has no legitimate skills or talent. You are dazzled by her appearance which will fade and expire by 30 years old.
by Kirkury August 25, 2021
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Cop Talk: An exaggeratedly wordy jargon, frequently spoken in a mono-tone passive voice. Descriptive yet extremely vague, this is used when describing a situation in order to increase the appearance of intelligence or credibility, while cloaking truth in a mountain of syllables.
The police officer is using cop talk to convince the jury that his use of force was justified.
by Kirkury October 21, 2015
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Chumpsby Jacquen, pronounced: Chumps be jockin'.

A coverall name and stereotype for the opposite of an internet troll, Karen or Ken.

Chumpsby Jacquen embraces and rewards fly by night, flighty trends via ARGUMENTUM AD POPULUM and relentlessly jocks hypersensationalized and hypersexualized mediocrity. A non confrontational SJW with the hopes of getting jockedm or some other form of reward or social pass, in return.
That broad has no skills, or anything of value or interest, other than a (used) warm slimy hole, yet Chumpsby Jacquen.

It is well known that cops are collectively corrupt, despite theoretical "good" only found in the ideology, but Chumpsby Jacquen, and lickin' the boot.
by Kirkury March 21, 2023
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To be openly and shamelessly self-absorbed, placing yourself on a pedestal, most times undeservedly and annoyingly so. Being on your own nuts, as if you’re figuratively sucking yourself off for attention and identity-creating affirmation. Auto-hypersensationalism.
Instagram is an excellent platform to observe excessive self-jocking behavior, which reeks of desperation.
by Kirkury October 23, 2020
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The quintessential PED drugged up mental-midget, muscle douche, gym-bro or broad / fitness influencer / crossfitter / MMA fan / Joe Rogan worshipper, who advocate the use of PEDs for aesthetics, under the guise of fitness, while deflecting focus to some casual factor such as eating keto, carnivore, raw diet, or “hard work” (also made possible by PEDs) The roidtard typically gives fitness and health advice, based exclusively off of their appearance, (which would not be possible without drugs) while having no scientific or educational credibility except “bro-science”. They mourn the other roidtards’ premature drug-related or lifestyle deaths, citing how “jacked”, “fire” or inspirational the now maggot-food buffet roidtard was while alive, and using massive amounts of drugs to gain attention and false accolade, which inspres others to do the same.
Fitness influencer "Joesthetics" Lindner died of an aneurysm at 30 because he was a roidtard like Rich Piana, and every other social media muscle douche.

The culture of roidtards is self -fulfilling cycle of self-destruction.
by Kirkury September 12, 2023
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