25 definitions by Kingdragonfly

An insult coined by democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg in a series of tweet exchanges between himself and President Donald Trump in 2020. Both are from New York.

Michael combines two insults. A carnival barker is an employee in cheap showy clothes, "barks" (yells) to attract patrons. He is usually position in a stand in front of decrepit attractions, such as freak shows and erotic dance shows.

"Clown" is just added as a typical New York put-down.

- we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence.

I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will.
by Kingdragonfly February 15, 2020
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A combination of Trump and hemorrhoid.

A Trumprhoid is a derogatory term for Trump supporter / pro-Trump protester.

May include Q conspiracy nuts, also known as QAnon.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus.
A man in a green shirt dubbed "Green shirt guy" laughs at a Trumprhoid inside a Tucson City Council Meeting. Officials were voting to put a "Sanctuary City" measure on the November ballot.
by Kingdragonfly August 8, 2019
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Most likely if it's "406" on tshirt, it means a telephone area code, so person is from Montana.

Less likely, and somewhat dated, it's from Zombieland, a 2009 American post-apocalyptic horror comedy film. The main actor lives in an apartment complex, and has a crush on a woman in apartment 406. She turns into a zombie, and his first encounter with a zombie. He eventually killed her with the lid the tank of his toilet.

Very unlikely it's "406" the error code returned by an Internet server meaning Not Acceptable.
Why is that guy wearing a tshir with "406?"

He's probably a "lamb licker" from Montana
by Kingdragonfly August 8, 2018
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Called a sucker punch in the US, a King punch is the same thing throughout the UK and former colonies. A person uses a fist to punch a victim without warning, often from behind, and usually to the back of the head. It's extremely dangerous to the victim, even fatal.
The news said he was charged with murder, after using a king punch during a bar brawl.
by Kingdragonfly January 7, 2019
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Using "poly" is ill-advised. It could mean polyamorous, but it could be the very racist shorthand for Polynesian. If you say it around anyone from the Pacific, you might get punched.
"Those steam punks are all poly."

"What did you just say?"

"I said they're all poly. They like to sleep around."

"Oh wow. You're racist as fuck."
by Kingdragonfly November 9, 2018
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Combination of the drug Zanax/Xanax and Grandpa. It's an old guy who looks good. Simalar to "a silver fox", but more street cool.

Coined by late night host Stephen Colbert, when talking about "Faceapp", a dodgy Russian phone app which creates an aged version from any photo.
20 Jul 2019, Stephen Colbert monologue

The biggest trend buzz this week is the social media craze "FaceApp." You upload a photo of yourself and it shows you what you'd look like way older. Everyone is doing it, including me. Got to say "Not bad. Hello Zandpa."

Now this is the only fun thing to happen this week, so of course there's a nefarious dark side...

Summary: Russians own all your personal information on your phone legally forever.
by Kingdragonfly July 21, 2019
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A very mild euphemism similar to "Tarnation!" (Damnation!) or "Dagnab it!" (God damn it!)

Yosemite Sam, of Warner Brother Cartoons, would mispronounce it as "Josephat", ignoring the "sh". It was to indicate his lack of formal education.

See "Jumping Jehoshaphat"
From the 1966 Batman film. Robin :"Jumping Jehoshaphat Batman!"

From McHale's Navy: Lieutenant Commander McHale: "Great jumping Jehoshaphat!"

Yosemite Sam (mispronounced): "Jumping Josephat!"
by Kingdragonfly February 5, 2017
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