10 definitions by King Steve

The act of acting in respone to another whose previous actions have caused you harm.To acheive revenge or vengance.
After Lord Baconus was struck down by Lord Toastal he swore his revengance.
by King Steve June 11, 2004
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The act of revengance upon an innocent bystander, instead of the agressor causing the reason for the act of revengance. While acting the revengance on the bystander, the agressor must be present.
While King Steve was kicking Mr. Smell's binder, Mr. Smell took Mr. Brain's binder and threw it yelling "This is what I think of you!" in response to King Steve's actions. Although Mr. Brain harmed Mr. Smell not, Mr. Smell enacted wrongful revengance anyways.
by King Steve June 11, 2004
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A 2020 modern word for dog , it's usually used by memers and cool guys
Katherine : aww that doge is so cute

Jake : yeah like Deez nuts
by King Steve January 16, 2020
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