16 definitions by King Asshat XVIII of Asshatia

The single most useless card in Yu-Gi-Oh. It seems as if its entire purpose for existing is just to fuse with Relinquished.
Thousand-Eyes Idol? Relinquished is enough on its own...
by King Asshat XVIII of Asshatia September 20, 2003
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A filler comic when the guy who draws GU Comics can't put in a real one. Usually has a stick figure saying Poopy.
"I'm too busy playing Splinter Cell to make a real comic. Better put up a Poopy."
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A derogatory nickname for the PS2 console.
Look at that little buttboy with his Penis-2. What's his name? Oh yeah, sony roolz.
by King Asshat XVIII of Asshatia September 20, 2003
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A category for bands who can't sing or play their instruments very well, so they have to play them really loud and fast and scream into the mic, hoping no one will notice.
Death metal sucks large quantities of ass.
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Refers to the close resemblence of George W. Bush to a common monkey.
What's in that cage? A Bushminkey?
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In an MMORPG, a veteran player who makes a new character and gives a bunch of top-shelf equipment from their older, maxed-out characters to the new character.
Hey, someone is hunting fire beetles in full rubicite armor. He must be a twink.
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When one takes their laptop into the bathroom and uses the Internet while they are sitting on the toilet.
Oh damn, I have to crap, but my friend just got on...time to start cansurfing.
by King Asshat XVIII of Asshatia December 9, 2005
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