16 definitions by Killossal

69 is a visual representation of a sex position.

The numbers represent people.
The 'O' part of the number is the head,
The tail is their genitalia.
69 is an oral sex position where both perform oral sex on eachother at the same time...
Traditionally, the man performing cunnilingus (lickin dat pussy) on the woman while the woman performs fellatio (sucking dat D) .
OR it can also be homosexual, with two men or two women.

& if you are having to search the internet for what '69' is, you are too young to be on the internet.
Please be safe.
When Lawrence & Anna first met in person, Anna insisted on 69'ing.

So they found a safe, quiet place where they both simultaneously performed oral sex on one another, as a form of 'introducing' eachother.
by Killossal September 17, 2016
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Def 1: Used to describe someone ( usually a female ) wearing skimpy, suggestive clothes that is assumed to be seeking attention from ( usually males ). Usually, because this method works other women get jealous. Or that being slutty is so taboo it can be used in terms for bullying.
This is an typically insult.
Thesaurus: whore , slut , bitch , hoe , cunt

Def 2: Legitimately, a (woman) who sleep with a lot of men, more-so for money. (although not always the case) See prostitute

This is typically just an observation.
Thesaurus: whore , slut , prostitute , hoe , dirty , trash , ratchet

Def 3: Someone who does something excessively.
In terms like Def 2, a whore is usually considered a Nymphomaniac ( addicted to sex ) . Although this definition can be used with most any addiction .
This is typically a joke, more-so an insulting joke.
Thesaurus: whore , pig , fat-ass , fat ass , addict
Def 1: ' Wow, she's such a whore. '

Def 2: ' Watch out, she's a bit of a whore. '

Def 3: ' You ate all of the pizza, you whore! '
by Killossal September 16, 2015
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When someone gets extremely emotional & overreactive, & spams lots of emotionally-fuelled messages, usually featuring manipulative tactics such as self-pitying & guilt tripping, as a panic response.
Sometimes, these messages will feature stabbing .

Girlfriends usually do this when their boyfriend needs space & they do not understand this.
Bébé: just... calm down
Moi: Do you even love me?
Do you even care???
What is wrong with you???
I try so hard, you know
What do you do in this relationship?
Do you even recognise my efforts????
God you're so selfish
Bébé: can you please stop being dramatic & stop blasting me
by Killossal September 30, 2017
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Reserection (or res-erection), when you save an erection that had softened from unpleasant thoughts by looking at or thinking about something stimulating again.
My mate: Oi, did you fuck 'er last night?
Me: Fuck yeah mate, but I had to do a bit of a reserection. 'Accidentally glanced over at 'er dresser & saw a photo of her mum in a bloody wetsuit.
My mate: How'd you save it, mate?
Me: Looking next to 'er mum & looking at 'er in the wetsuit.
My mate: Fuckin' nice save, mate.
by Killossal March 18, 2017
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Chatting up in a flirtatious manner to advance towards a sexual or romantic relationship
Me: He cheated on me.
My mate: With who?
Me: I don't know, he was tuning some random girls on Tinder...
My mate: Looks like a fuckboi, talks like a fuckboi, is a fuckboi.
by Killossal April 1, 2017
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A word that has been given many meanings.
1. A sub culture in the category with punk, goth & scene.
They usually have black choppy hair & wear black, especially skinny jeans, they can wear colour & can have their hair a different colour, they prefer to be alone & listen to music (Genre: punk, metal, emo, ) All of these things are not limited & if an 'emo' says that they are then they are most likely a poser.

2. A genre of music, how I usually describe this is that it has guitar riffs, but instead of the usual edgy rock sound they sound more... soft...

Many people hate emo, many people defend it, many people are posers, many people don't understand,
emo is very mis-understood, & is not just someone who cuts themselves, it's a type of person, with specific unique preferences to the mainstream, someone different, & usually from my experience, people who carry out the emo style were previously depressed but got through it.

If you call a scene kid emo (or vice versa) you could very well offend them.
Of they could be sceno
Bully: Emo, emo emo, you stupid emo.
Emo: Is there a problem with that?
by Killossal March 8, 2015
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To say something (usually a reference to something personal; a weak point; sensitive, vulnerable & unprepared to be targeted) that is unethical & unnecessary, for the purpose of being offensively humorous, to make a point, scold & discipline someone or to gain the upper hand in conversation.

To kick low is to kick the balls. So essentially, kicking low is a metaphoric cheap shot, which is primarily verbal.

Using this kind of manipulation usually results in growing trust issues. For it makes the victim of kicking low hesitant to share information, particularly that which is sensitive, emotional & personal, in fear it will be used against them to ridicule them & manipulate them. Excessive use of this manipulation is considered abusive.
Bébé (responding to an image): A QT autistic anime loving gamer Muslim
Bébé (being a troll): That is completely Haram
Moi (being a muslim): no its not >:C
Bébé: Well
Bébé: Self harm is surely
Moi (having had an emotional moment that resulted in self harm the other day): (takes a heavy breath in) Kicking low are we
by Killossal September 5, 2017
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