115 definitions by Killing Kittens

An atheist at pains to show that, he too, can live a deep and moral life.
During his long and irrelevant political tangents, my professor called himself a Secular Humanist.
by Killing Kittens November 2, 2005
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Perhaps a hundred years ago or more, it was called inspiration. Now it's called plagiarism.
by Killing Kittens January 23, 2005
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To pay homage without acknowledging the source.
All writers are in some way or another plagiarists. Some are just better at it than others.
by Killing Kittens June 9, 2004
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A supernatural being that has inherited the powers of Proteus and uses them to don the guise of whatever love interest currently holds our attention. Once the victim's attention has been goaded and he or she is compelled to follow, Mr./Ms. Right then vanishes, but always reappears again, forcing his or her weary victims into endless pursuit of desperate futility.
"I thought he was Mr. Right, but boy was I mistaken."
by Killing Kittens March 18, 2005
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A genre of naturalistic fantasy that usually has no basis whatsoever in scientific fact.
'Star Wars' is not science fiction; it's a big dumb fantasy movie about space wizards. 'The Matrix' is not science ficiton either; it's a comic book action movie with a pretentious pseudo-philosophy thrown in. What then, constitutes science fiction? A piece that actually cares about the plausibility of its ideas; a rarified sub-set of literature and cinema to be certain.
by Killing Kittens June 3, 2004
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The state of having the same beliefs and perceptions as you, or being succeptible to their influence.
I'm looking to meet open-minded people, but only if they believe X, Y, and Z.
by Killing Kittens September 9, 2006
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