13 definitions by Kieran

From not wipeing your arse properly, you get dry pieces of shit on your arse hair
by Kieran April 9, 2004
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"Fooaltiyeman" is a blending of the words "few ill tell you man" which is derived from the fabled prick dialect.
fooaltiyeman if i dunnae get a fucking fag
by Kieran January 30, 2005
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A word said in surprise, to accentuate how surprised you really are.
Woog! That monkey fell out of the sky!
by Kieran February 28, 2004
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its when you take a shit in the ocean. Usually after the doing the big brown water snake floats up next to you.
dude i was at the beach yesterday, and that mexican food fuckin' got to me. Thank god i was wearing bord shorts cuz i took the fattest fucking aqua turd in the world.
by Kieran May 7, 2004
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One of the best consoles to live, had games such as Shenmue 2 which still sells for the Xbox, a 'next generation' console today. A lot of other titles including sonic adventure, are on 'next generation' consoles. £25 in gamestation
by Kieran February 28, 2004
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The place on a male between the testicles and the anus
by Kieran February 12, 2004
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