31 definitions by Kid

me, a kid at lm
yo!! Kid!! Why are you stalking me??
by Kid March 29, 2004
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The old man down the street is an R. Kelly, because he tried to rape my little sister in the playground.
by Kid October 31, 2003
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A kid in South Brunswick who was named Han during band camp and is asian.
Why can't I be like Han Solo?!?!?
by Kid March 3, 2005
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A person who likes/ loves to take drugs.
Jay: guess what man?
Rich: what?
Jay: I took some pills last night and I'm still feeling it.
Rich: damn son, you're such a "crackhead."
by Kid January 18, 2004
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An outcast from penney's beauty competition.
Cards60:Oh please give it to me roxi
roxi-babe: Ya lol
by Kid December 22, 2003
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Contraction of the words "I see." Usually used when one is annoyed, irritated, or simply doesn't care.
Person A: I got a PSP today
Person B: i c.
Person A: It is so sweet!
Person B: i c.
by Kid April 14, 2005
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