31 definitions by Kid

Crewie - Noun - An Athlete who participates in one of the most challenging sports: crew. Must be completely committed to the sport and all it stands for: DMB, Birkenstocks, long practices, and wearing spandex.
Person A: Oh man, I wish I didn't have so many practices this week.
Person B: Oh shut up, you know you enjoy them , you crewie.
by Kid April 23, 2005
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noun. Used to describe a person who fucks anythiny that moves. If it doesn't move, often they will give it a push.
That Lewdminx guy is such an omni-sexual.
by Kid June 20, 2004
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I got food poisoning from eating their food.
Fuck Burger King and their poorly cooked shit.
by Kid July 22, 2003
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When somebody wants to schedule something with you, but you don't want to use a pen to finalize it in your calendar because that person is a loser. If something better comes along -- you can erase it.
Sure, I'd love to watch slides from your trip to the Grand Canyon -- I'll pencil you in.
by Kid May 20, 2004
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well the fuckin' thing was heading fright for my face so i hit that shitter out of the sky with a tennis racket
by Kid October 13, 2003
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Legend has it that he slep with over a thousand different women from eight different countries, but was eventually sent to Hell for refusing to give up his lustful ways.
The modern version of a Don Juan would be a pimp or a playa.
by Kid August 26, 2003
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