15 definitions by Kevin N' Kyle and Company

A type of hair style, usually duflaps are worn by emo kids.

Described as one flap of bangs covering one eye, the hair color is black, or red, or a mixture of un-natural hair colorspink, blue, magenta, indigoDuflaps can be worn on either side of the face but must cover at least ONE eye or both.

If you want a Duflap... you can't ask a barber, because they won't know what the hell you're talking about. Unless the barber themselves are emo. Then maybe they might know.

Duflaps are made often by one cutting one's own hair or by another friend that knows what duflaps look like.
Jenny: Why is Robbie crying?
Tiffany: He has a duflap now... he put so much gel in it, it hardened and poked him in the eye... ouch!
Jenny: Oh man that sucks. Want to buy some ice cream?
Tiffany: Duflaps are cool, I think I'll cut my hair like that! Ya ice cream sounds good.
Jenny: I'll cut it for you if you want..."
Tiffany: nah....
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company June 18, 2005
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Short for Decent. Characterized by conformity to recognized standards of propriety or morality. Free from indelicacy; modest. Meeting accepted standards; adequate.
girl 1 "Whad you think of..."
girl "ur mom!"
girl 1 "what?"
girl "She's dece... if i was a guy, you know with a penis... i would do her..."
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company October 22, 2005
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1. wurfer to surfer as poseur is to skater

2. Try as he or she might, they cannot accomplish catching any waves.

3. Only wants to be a surfer for show.

surfer "dude, you're a wurfer,"
wurfer "no way doooood, you're just jealous of my totally radical skills."
surfer "no way man, you got ur facts bent."
wurfer "yeah? well..."
*runs away*

...to be continued
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company March 12, 2006
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Paleghostian- suffering from Paleghostianism also known as caucasian, white, pale, ghost, ect.

A person who suffers from Paleghostianism lacks the normal coloring due to the genetic factors. These people have some pigment, but not enough to be considered tan or highly colored.

They go to extreme measures and "try" to tan... some side effects to this prosedure is redness from first degree burn (sun burn), intense sensitivity, pealing, UV and UVA sensitivity, skin cancer and may cause death. Do not attempt this if you are allergic to the sun. (1/24165417643168764 of Paleghostians are highly (very much so) allergic to the sun.)

There are a few that do capture color and become tan (about 1/546) DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE PEOPLE THAT SAY THEY'RE TAN, BUT THEY ARE REALLY RED! A way you can tell if someone actually got some sun is if it stays for long period of time. Not just have it for 3 days... Infact those people that are lucky enough to have sun catching skin might be so good in sun catching they become tanner than people who are naturally tan! Their next goal in life might be to become black...

If you suffer from Paleghostianism you do not suffer from hyper pigmentation. Only the tan and black suffer from this.
boy- "sooo what are you?"
girl- "i'm eurasian..."
boy- "i personally thought you were black..."
girl- "o..."
boy- "i'm white as fuck so people know what i am... i'm paleghostian."
girl- "i can tell."
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company June 27, 2005
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It can mean passion, romance. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person
It can be that feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair.

Or it could be one of the worst words on this planet, especially in between “I” and “You”
Love can be fake, it can be real, in any situation, you can’t live with it, you can’t live without it.
Love is life it's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're ganna get.
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company December 16, 2005
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..::when you are the 'it' you are the rapist.

..::Instead of saying 'you're it' you say 'RAPE!'

..::Now that person is the 'rapist'

Where should be played: This game should normally be played in a pool. This is because, you are able to touch the ground, and more skin is showing which means MORE FUN!

Number of players: There has to be at least one guy and one girl, the more the better! But you have to have the same amount of guyz and girls to play fair. If you dont like to play fair... then...

Tip: you go after the one you like, have a crush on, your boyfriend/girlfriend (duh), or the hottest one there.

rules: you can tag in the water, under the water, around the pool, on the diving board, on a water slide, just anywhere near the pool. The person that gets tagged A LOT or gets the most points wins.

Points: You get points for tagging ppl in different places. Heres how the points are scored...

Butt ( Y )= 10pts

boobs ( . Y . )= 25pts each

vagina/penis (no pic)/ 8==D = 100pts

*anywhere else on the body = 0 points
Tiffany "Let's play some rape tag..."
Jenny "omg Tiffany is the RAPIST!!!"
Tiffany "UR MOM's the rapist!"
Jenny ::swims::
Tiffany ::tags dude:: "RAPE!!!"
Dude "FUCK!"
Tiffany "That's what UR MOM said!" ::laughs::
Dude "I'm the rapist..."
Tiffany "That's what SHE said!"
Jenny "who said RAPE!?!"
Tiffany "UR MOM!"
by Kevin N' Kyle and Company October 22, 2005
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a phrase: means there is much love and chemistry between the two lovers.
guy: "i love you, do you love me?"
girl: "well i love you like 10th grade science class..."
guy: "huh, why 10th grade science class?"
girl: "there's so much chemistry."
guy "o-got it.well, I love you like 11th grade science class."
girl :"physics?"
guy: "ya, there's so much potential."
(guy and girl make out like 9th grade science class, biology-life or creating it)
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