6 definitions by Ketmister

Hey Andy, will Kenneth be at the party tonight?
by Ketmister August 2, 2006
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Someone who loves their Ket, and who has a detailed knowledge of its workings, both chemical and physiological.

A Ketamine expert.
Martin is a ketmister
by Ketmister August 2, 2006
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To describe someone who is under the influence of the dissociative anesthetic Ketamine
"What's up with the spaced out feaky guy in the corner?" "Don't worry about him man, he's Ketamised"
by Ketmister August 2, 2006
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To describe someone who is under the influence of the dissociative anesthetic Ketamine.
"What's up with the spaced out feaky guy in the corner?" "Don't worry about him man, he's Ketamized"
by Ketmister September 21, 2007
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Rhyming clubbers slang for an Ecstasy pill, named after Liverpool FC defender Gary Albett (1983-1992)

(Gary) Ablett rhymes with tablet.
Alright mate, got any Gary’s?

Is Gary Ablett gonna be at the club with you tonight?
by Ketmister August 2, 2006
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To describe someone who has is in the throws of a ketamine trip.
Man, take a look a the state of John. He's well ketted up!
by Ketmister August 2, 2006
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