12 definitions by Kestrel

Device used to sound an alarm if anything increases in size by over 2 Inches, more elaborite systems have a Laser used to disintergate the object.
Pretty Obvious? if not, then go ask your dad.
by Kestrel April 16, 2005
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Something that happens upon people with slow connections, or idiots who don't know when to stop downloading porn.
me: Why does it lag so much? Who the $^@# is downloading porn?
some idiot: me
by Kestrel December 22, 2005
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An idiotic dumbass who subscribes to AOL. 1 of a few types of AOL consumers. Usally talks useing extreme amounts of internet shorthand
by Kestrel April 7, 2005
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A person or persons (dwellers) who dwells in a place continually, or always do the same thing, or goto the same places because:

1) They know that more dwellers will be there, and they won't be on their own.

2) They are scared to experiment, with new ideas, or visit new places.
Fuller:"Where are the dwellers?"
Kestrel:"In there room"
Fuller:"Ahhhhh, that makes sense"
Kestrel:"Why ?"
Fuller:"'Cos there dwellers!"

Kestrel being me and fuller being fuller.
by Kestrel November 16, 2004
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... Are a myth, see Example below.
"Gangs are a myth put out by the liberal elite to patronize and
demean the working man. I mean, what kind of right-minded youth from a
poor background is going to spend his time stealing things and posing in
silly clothes, when he could be getting ahead with a minimum wage job
and making his parent proud?"
-Alex Shrub, VCPR.
by Kestrel April 24, 2005
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A term either derived from 'meep' which was said by roadrunner on an old cartoon series, or the noise that worms make if you listen really carefully. Orginated on an old mmorpg i played when i was 12-15, people just spammed "m33p" for about 2 days, because well they could.
A dweller(or infact anyone):"Hey"
A dweller:"??????"
by Kestrel November 16, 2004
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Someone or something that is lame, although someone who uses the word 'lamer' would definatly not use the word 'lame'. The person in question is normally a fool, and very very annoying.
In a counter-strike server.

*dead*Player1:"I hate th is game, i jusst spent 3 hrs dwnlding a new patch n its still crap, and every1 cheets.
*dead*Afk | kestrel:"Don't play then"
*dead*Player1:"I wnna know how to hack, someone teach me"
*dead*Afk | Kestrel:"Type in your console 'bind mouse1 kill' and you'll kill everyone you fire at"
*dead*Player1:"How do i get down my consol"
*dead*Afk | Kestrel:"the key to the left of '1'"
(A few moments pass)
(The round restarts)
***Player1 Died
Afk | Kestrel:"Lamer..."
by Kestrel November 16, 2004
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