76 definitions by Kerb

1. A male who shags every woman. The complementary opposite of a bike.

2. A lesbian with a strap-on, riding a woman.
Cant find love? Go see Roland, the factory's easy rider!
by Kerb November 29, 2004
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To try to be cool, and fail and be an embarrassment to people nearby, or end up looking like a right pillock.
I saw this Secretary of State, whazzizname, try to entertain some foreign generals by rapping, it was on telly, and he was uncool.
by Kerb November 27, 2004
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A dance orginating in the 1980's where the joints of the body move in a sequence along the arms, torso, legs, so a wave appears to travel along the body.
Trevor won the international Bodypopping Contest this year.
by Kerb November 28, 2004
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What one sees when going cold turkey from alcohol addiction.
The wino dried up and saw some pink elephants today.
by Kerb November 29, 2004
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Noun: Legs, usu. female, that are so thin that they resemble legs on birds.
My girlfriend is skinny and has bird legs.
by Kerb November 28, 2004
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