100 definitions by Ken

As long as you never work out, and drink lotsa vodka...then u will become a Seva
by Ken October 15, 2003
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also means dirty, derived from the french word "croté", meaning really dirty. Also, there was this gas station owner named Mr. Crotty who used the carwash as a bathroom. Crotty.
Ewww, that pizza was left in the trunk, now its all crotty.
by Ken August 3, 2004
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One who has a fucking damn shitty small~~~~~~~ dick
Doctor: Damn Mr.X You Got A Damn Finger Cock!! OMFGROFLMAOWTFBBQSAUCE
by Ken March 2, 2005
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Happy, in a good mood. Combination of "Perky" and "Chipper"
I'm feeling pipper now that you're here
by Ken May 21, 2003
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The initial, or beginning part of a cocaine or heroin high when injected or smoked.
What you sometimes get when you stand up to fast after sitting down too long
A feeling in the head sometime accompanied by beels whistles and stars.
Man I almost went under after that hoot. What a rush.
by Ken November 29, 2002
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originates from vancouver bc, it is the equivalent to true
that's tra, simply tra
by Ken December 6, 2004
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