100 definitions by Ken

ebonics for "bet yall I'll beat yall"
be shal bee shal to tha stowe
by Ken January 17, 2004
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Acronym: DLI

A procedure for those who just cannot manage to gain weight. Often used by such famous stars as John Goodman to plump up for roles.

Side-effects: Massive weight gain, decreased sexual drive, increased awareness of mediocre coffee shops in the imediate vicinity.
I ate as many donuts and pies as possible, but I just can't put on the weight! I guess I'll have to go with a DLI or risk staying fit forever.
by Ken September 11, 2003
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A popular Japanese dance game normaly known as DDR. It combines quick movement with extreme coreography and coordination. It is usually played to extremely good techno-songs and it has 5 different difficulties; begginer, light, standard, heavy, and challenge. People who are very good tend to draw crowds at arcades (like me)and usually go for the hards songs suc as; max300, maxx unlimited, legend of max, etc.... And NOT only Asians are good at this!
try the game...you only hate it cuz you can't do it. and you know that...so get up and try it. Unless you are fat...then it might be hard.
also there is this song that is illegal to be in the united states called MAX. (period) and it goes up to almost 700 BPM...! X0
by Ken January 24, 2005
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Girl: did you cheat on me?
guy: maybe...
by Ken April 30, 2003
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Since you painted your house electric pink it has become the eyesore of the neighbourhood.
by Ken November 29, 2002
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Defacating into a sock in order to avoid having to get up from your computer to use the toilet. Often utilized when playing online role playing games.
John was poopsocking all the way to level 60 this weekend.
by Ken March 15, 2005
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someone talking extremly low, at the point to were you cant here them at all.
Your dating a low talker.
by Ken November 16, 2004
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