41 definitions by Kempo

The process of smoking cannabis. Also known as a joint, spliff, bifter, zute and doobie.
Joe: What you doing after lunch?
Kane: Nothing man.
Joe: Wanna come for a chasm?
by Kempo May 10, 2006
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When two people are at opposite ends of a table, width wise, and they take turns (3 each in alternating turns) to knock a penny (Either a 1p or 2p) to the end of the table over the side. When the penny is over the edge of the table the person flicks it up, catches it, spins it on the table, catches it between their fingers, the other person makes a goal, then the person with the penny between their fingers flicks it into the goal. This can go on for however long as you like, or to a certain amount of goals. Usually done during school.
Yo, let's play some penny bashing!
by Kempo May 10, 2006
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To "PES out" is to partake in a session of the videogame Pro Evolution Soccer.
yo, i'm off now, gonna PES out

time to PES out

i'll be back later, PESing out.
by Kempo August 3, 2006
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A shortened slang term for navigation.
Yo, who's navvin on this trip then?
by Kempo August 15, 2006
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In the film Shawshank Redemption, Andy DuFresne wanted library books, so he sent letters constantly to request the libary books. Then when he request was accepted, he sent more to get even more library books.

To pull an Andy DuFresne is to constantly hassle someone when you want something. Usually in regards to letters, like in the movie, or emails.
Ah yea, those bastards weren't answering my emails so I had to pull an Andy DuFresne on them.
by Kempo November 24, 2007
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This is when you cum on a girls teeth and it completely covers their teeth without entering their mouth. best applied with a spoon.
1a) can i give you a cum brace girl?
1b) yea sure, just dont get it in my mouth!
by Kempo September 22, 2006
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