25 definitions by Kelsey

Darien is a small town in Connecticut known for its population of preppy teenagers who insisit on popping their collars, wearing uggs boots with mini skirts and driving Jeep Grand Cherokees in various shades of blue. On weekends, Darieners often find themselves taking road trips to Portchester, NY or "pocho" because it is the only place that will really sell them beer. Then they go to lame house parties which are broken up by the police in less than hour because the entire police force has nothing better to do than break up teenage drinking parties; Darien doesn't haev real crime, only places like Stamford or Norwalk do. When they do travel to such "ghettoes" they listen to their rap music (50 cent) too loud and lock their car doors in fear of getting mugged. D-baggers, or Darieners are outrageously wealthy and every teenager's dream. They live a fantasy life in a bubble unlike anywhere else. Their waterfront property with the oversized SUVs in the driveway is home to them and even when they say they hate it, they love it, they eat it up and wish they could return whenever they leave. Darieners, despite their lacking sense of reality, have more pride than New Canaan and Greenwich combined (and more money too!)
The Darieners wore popped collars and Hadley Pollet belts to the game, knowing that all the hottest lax players would be ripping it up on the field that morning, despite their wicked hang overs from the house party the night before.
by Kelsey March 10, 2005
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god Mikey your being such an asshole, VOID!
by Kelsey August 3, 2004
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sex (duhh) or anything close to that... like horny, ect.
u make me wanna lala
in the kitchen on the floor
i'll be ur french maid
when i meet u at the door
im like an alley cat
drink the milk up
i want more
u make me wanna scream!
by Kelsey April 6, 2005
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The worst nu metal band in the world
I hope if you are looking up this band you have seen that shirt on their site

Finger Eleven Rocks!!!
by Kelsey May 29, 2004
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(cough cough) da woman or da shit.. hell i think it means hotter than hott...
by Kelsey January 17, 2005
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a small, and witty tennis player. He's of a family from china. He is my buddy, and despite my buddiness towards him, i can't help but laugh at him, i can't understand if it's what he's wearing or all the fun times we've had, to pull a "jurgon" would be to do something totaly stupid, and totaly black. such things could include: walking like a penguin, eating eggs with soysauce, and eating xbox games---don't ask ;)
laura: "hey how are u"
me: "good, i want to cover my car in hellokitty stickers."
laura: "OMG, ur dumb, such jurgon muck."
by Kelsey December 1, 2004
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