39 definitions by Kelmeer23

Anti-Judaism, not to be confused with anti-semitism, is opposition and hostility towards Judaism as a religion. What differs anti-semitism from anti-judaism is anti-semitism is a form of racism, because anti-semities are not only opposing Judaism as a religion, but Jews as an ethnic group. So, one can be anti-juda, but not anti-semitic, but all anti-semites are anti-juda.
Anti-Judaism is specifically about criticism of Judaism as a religion, not ethnic jews, which is anti-semitism.
by Kelmeer23 October 28, 2022
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Religious Nationalism is a political ideology that incorporates religion into nationalism. This can be seen in many religions like Christianity, were you have god-fearing religious nut jobs who think the end is coming every year. Most of the people who subscribe to such doctrine are intolerant assholes who think secularism is taking away their rights and then proceeds to use their beliefs to take away the rights of others. Overall, they are the most unpleasant and hypocritical group in American politics. But, these people obviously exist outside American politics, like in India, were the caste system there has been largely defined by the Hindu nationalists and other religious groups that reside in the country. Many people who are incorporate religious nationalism into their beliefs are often fundamentalists who believe in the literal text of their books.
Person 1: Yo did you see that person who was forcing their beliefs onto others? He is a bit messed up in the head.
Person 2: Yeah, he might be one of those crazed religious nationalists. Religious nationalism is a disease, be careful.
by Kelmeer23 August 11, 2022
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Reddit liberalism is often associated with the liberal nature of redditors. Since reddit tends to lean left-wing on all major subreddits, It's infamous for having a notable liberal bias. It's also associated with reddit atheism, which devoutly attacks religion, since many reddit atheists are also liberals as well.
Reddit Liberalism is notorious for being filled with edgy atheists, although a lot of them are actually decent people.
by Kelmeer23 April 26, 2023
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Atheistic existentialism, existential atheism, or atheist existentialism, is a type of existentialism that explicitly excludes any transcendental, metaphysical, or religious beliefs from philosophical existentialist thought. A person of this belief is most likely going to be a positive atheist. This type of existentialism overlaps with existential nihilism.
Atheistic Existentialism includes philosophers such as: Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and Friedrich Nietzsche
by Kelmeer23 January 29, 2023
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