39 definitions by Kelmeer23

Militant atheism is a form of atheism that is hostile towards religions, religious authority, and religious people. A person of this belief is (almost always) a positive atheist. This form of atheism can be seen in the USSR, China, and other communist countries. It can also be seen with reddit atheists who push their disbelief onto others who don't ask for it.
Militant atheism and militant theism are the same thing, just with whose trying to indoctrinate who with what type of belief.
by Kelmeer23 February 10, 2023
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What people often call right-wing authoritarians in political discourse, if you're a gamer you're probably a right-wing authoritarian.
Based Gamer: Yeah bro i'm a gamer, and by gamer. I mean extremely racist and a fascist.
by Kelmeer23 December 21, 2021
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Anti-White Racism refers to racism or discrimination against white people for their race.
Anti-White Racism can be seen in a lot of developing countries previously held by European colonizers in the post-colonial age.
by Kelmeer23 July 22, 2023
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A committed atheist is an atheist who firmly believes that God's existence is impossible, and does not exist. This is also known as positive atheism, which is the explicit rejection of the belief in god and religions.

Committed atheists are most likely to be Anarchists, Marxists (dialectical materialism), Nihilists, and Anti-Theists.
He was a lifelong committed atheist, and constantly criticized religion.
by Kelmeer23 January 28, 2023
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A completely bullshit term that pro-lifers use when talking about their opposition towards abortion, in that abortion harms the most vulnerable in society. As someone whose autistic, I can tell you the opposite is true and that this complete nonsense. If you see anyone using this argument realize that they are not genuine and that abortion is about taking away your individual rights and not protecting the "sacredness of life". Be a decent person and support the right of a mother to have an abortion, not the rights of a fetus that isn't developed and cannot feel pain.
The Sacredness of life is completely nonsense since pro-lifers only care about taking away your individual rights and could care less about the children who are actually born into the societies they are placed into, and even if you do find the "logically consistent" ones who claim to oppose all attacks on human life, (such as the death penalty and ect) it's still moral dishonesty since you cannot morally justify forcing a woman to give birth regardless what your political positions are. Be a decent person and support abortion rights.
by Kelmeer23 July 31, 2023
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Political Individualism is a form of philosophical individualism that is concerned with safe guarding civil liberties against imposed social views by institutions such as: organized religion, state, community, ect.

Political individualism includes: civil libertarianism, liberalism, libertarianism, anarchism, and autarchism.
Political Individualism is chiefly concerned with protecting civil liberties and your right to express yourself.
by Kelmeer23 March 12, 2023
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