39 definitions by Kelmeer23

Anti-Chinese sentiment, also known as Sinophobia, is a hatred of things related to China, Chinese culture, and Chinese people. This relates to Anti-East Asian sentiment, which is a branch of Anti-Asian sentiment. It's often considered to be a form of racism. Although, this is to be distinguished from anti-dengism, which opposes the Chinese government and not Chinese people.
The amount of Anti-Chinese sentiment present within these communities ever since the virus began is insane, there have been of attacks against Chinese people who aren't even involved.
by Kelmeer23 February 16, 2023
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A term r/neoliberal users have coined despite it being an anti-semitic dogwhisle used by the alt-right
I hate those damn (((globalists))) - Some alt-right retard
by Kelmeer23 February 11, 2022
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What retarded 14 year olds on internet forums like reddit say when you prove them wrong and they don't any other comeback.
Person 1: "You see how your ideology makes absolutely no sense? You are most definitely larping"

Person 2: "Cope and seethe"

Person 1: "Is the only thing you braindead morons are able to say is ""cope and seethe"" like some illiterate troglodyte?"

Person 2: "Ok, but, your mom."

Person 1: "It was fun talking to you, hope you grow up soon."
by Kelmeer23 November 29, 2021
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A hardcore agnostic is someone who is certain that the knowability of god is unknowable. This goes by strong agnosticism, since agnosticism is mistakenly associated with irreligion, you can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist. So, a hardcore agnostic would be strictly agnostic, neither a theist or atheist.
He's a hardcore agnostic, his opinion on religion won't change either way.
by Kelmeer23 April 26, 2023
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Short for a civil libertarian. Civil libertarian as an ideology seeks the separate the personal life of a person from the government as much as possible to maximize individual freedom. They in-general believe in things like freedom of speech, privacy, LGBT rights, abortion, and secularism. Just to name a few.
Virgin Authcon vs Chad CivBert
by Kelmeer23 March 13, 2022
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Dogmatic atheism is almost always referring to a hardcore atheist who is unwilling to change his mind on religion. This attitude contrasts with dogmatic theism, which are theists who refuse to believe their god isn't real, and are 100% certain that god does exist.
Dogmatic atheism is the opposite towards religious fundamentalism, since both think they are objectively correct
by Kelmeer23 January 31, 2023
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