39 definitions by Kelmeer23

Fundamental Materialism is a strict subscription to the metaphysical concept of materialism. This worldview is held by positive atheists who are certain that nothing outside of the material universe exists.
Fundamental materialism is a worldview that is often held by new atheists such as Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens.
by Kelmeer23 March 8, 2023
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Positive Atheism is a form of atheism that asserts no gods exist. A positive atheist would be 100% certain that god is not real. This view is contrasted with negative atheism, otherwise known as agnostic atheism, which is the disbelief in god without affirming whether or not god exists or not. Positive atheists also goes by strong atheist, hard atheist, and gnostic atheist. Some other unofficial terms include: committed atheist, hardcore atheist, devout atheist, and staunch atheist.

Positive atheists are most likely to be: Marxists (dialectical materialism), Anarchists, Nihilists, Atheistic Existentialists, and Anti-Theists.
I'm a positive atheist, I do not believe in any transcendental will or god at all since neither exist in a literal sense.
by Kelmeer23 January 29, 2023
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Anti-neoliberalism, also called post-neoliberalism, is a set of beliefs that opposite ideological neoliberals which are most commonly found in left-wing politics. These includes: fair-trade, opposition towards globalism, anti-austerity, and opposition towards neoliberal institutions like the IMF, World Bank, EU, and NATO.
Anti-Neoliberalism is most commonly found in left-wing politics
by Kelmeer23 May 22, 2023
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A convinced atheist is an atheist who is 100% certain that god doesn't exist. This would otherwise be known as positive atheism.
I'm a convinced atheist, god isn't real in a literal sense and doesn't exist.
by Kelmeer23 January 14, 2023
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Someone who is sexually and emotionally attracted to German Machinery such as Panzer's and other german machinery. Most pansexuals tend to be closeted wehraboos
Person 1: Omg I love german tanks german machinery is ze best in ze old world!

Person 2: All you had to say is that you were pansexual dawg
by Kelmeer23 August 11, 2021
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An alias for homonationalism, or gay fascism. gay fascism is a far-right, third positionist ideology that embraces LGBT rights. Anyone who is considered a nationalist who is homosexual would be considered a homonationalist.

Far-Right version of LGBT conservativism which is a real ideology where people who hold conservative views but are apart of the LGBT would be considered apart of this.

Bundle of Dicksism is a reference to how Fascism is called a Bundle of Sticks due to the logo, Fasces, being well, a bundle of sticks. But replace the Fasces with a bunch of dildos because it's gay
Person 1: I consider myself LGBT, but I hold moderate conservative views.

Person 2: Why not take the authpill and become a homonationalist?

Person 1: Because I'm not insane, wtf is wrong with you

Person 2: But, hear me out, BUTT FUCKING IS RIGHT-WING!!!

Based and bundle of dickspilled
by Kelmeer23 September 22, 2021
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