23 definitions by KeithMyArthe

To pass away whilst flirting with small stinging insects
"Don't make eyes at that bee. You wouldn't want to diabetes."
by KeithMyArthe December 9, 2006
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Speaking out loud in ways commonly used to converse in text on the internet.

Acronym for 'Speak Properly You Morons'

1. A chatspeak communication not posted on a computer network, text message or sent as e-mail, but verbal.

–verb (used with object)
2. To spym.
Bill: Yo, new skateboard is hectik, it pwns, dude ! W00t !
Ted: I just got spymmed.
by KeithMyArthe September 16, 2009
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An audience of one. An attendee at the kind of concert or sporting event where the name of the crowd is published for the benefit of the other participants.

1. a spectator or listener, esp at a public event such as a concert or play
2. the person reached by a book, film, or radio or television programme
3. the devotee or follower of a public entertainer, lecturer, etc.
Our band's first concert went well - we were really kicking it. The Audient was overcome with emotion, and promised to bring a friend to the next gig. The bar staff also applauded. The drummer got the audient's phone number !
by KeithMyArthe November 6, 2011
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1. Mutual stimulation or massage of ego, frequently used by self-important upper management types, esp. in meetings.
Done correctly, if frenzied ego stroking is performed, frotulation may almost lead to orgasm; sexual self-gratification.
Frequently exacerbated by over stimulated creativity of the participants, esp. Advertising, Media, Hollywood movie industry meetings.

—Related forms
Frotulate - Verb
Frotulational - adjective
"Steve, what happened in your first Sales Meeting, how did it go?"
"Very tiring, thanks so much for asking! There were three or four of the managers indulging in massive frotulation - a lot of love in the room."
by KeithMyArthe March 8, 2008
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Having to complete an extra ten hour shift, at short notice, and without caffeine.
Bill: You look tired.

Ted: Had to keep going last night, even tho the boss forgot to buy the coffee.... It was a bit of a decaflon, I ended up stealing a couple of Red Bulls from the fridge.
by KeithMyArthe December 22, 2009
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* In·foe·som·ni·a


Inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. caused by the overabundance of thought processes: difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness due to memory banks being overloaded with data or distracted by the quest for more input.

The question as to whether it is a syndrome caused by too much stored data or the quest for more is very valid, and has been the subject of many and varied studies over the years.
Hilary used to lay awake at night: After getting over several years of mild Nymphosomnia, Her more recent and well-documented Infosomnia was often causing her to be overly tired and hard to start in the morning.
by KeithMyArthe February 10, 2014
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A Book is like .. a non-volatile, stable database that does not lose data no matter how many times you drop it, spill your beer on it, or close it incorrectly. Books are more stable even than Optical Media. Storage is only limited by the amount of space and volume that the owner can physically carry. Some storage units seem to last for years, and whilst the background colour or 'fill' of the pages may degrade to a kind of #F5F5DC beige, the actual data is still readily retrievable.

Books were used for storage before computers. The only reason computers were invented was due to the poor fire retardant properties of the base materials used in the manufacture of books (especially those books used to upset the tribal elders of religious groups) and because books were easy to steal data from. Books have also been used to store ideas for Movies That No-one Has Made Yet.
Bill: 'What's that in your backpack next to your lappie?'
Ted: 'It's a book'
Bill: 'WoW, that's 2665 !'
by KeithMyArthe September 24, 2012
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