4 definitions by KeepItCoolYo

A private barbecue (BBQ) that is attended by straight men only. No gays, homos, lesbians, or chicks are allowed. This often is the best BBQ of the year as the food and booze tend to be off the hook and the humor unbelievable.
That BroBQ last weekend was simply fantastic - so nice to be able to hang without any chicks around begging for attention all the time.
by KeepItCoolYo July 16, 2010
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A private barbecue (BBQ) that is attended by straight men only. No gays, homos, lesbians, or chicks are allowed. This often is the best BBQ of the year as the food and booze tend to be off the hook and the humor unbelievable.
That Bro-BQ last weekend was simply fantastic - so nice to be able to hang without any chicks around begging for attention all the time.
by KeepItCoolYo July 16, 2010
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An espresso ordered to-go without the protective lid. This is generally regarded as a very eco-friendly maneuver. Rationally, the likelihood of an espresso shot spilling while on-the-go is quite low given the amount of liquid involved compared to the height of the cup. Stated more directly, one has to be rather challenged to spill an espresso.
I don't normally order coffee, but when I do, I ask for "a topless espresso."
by KeepItCoolYo August 10, 2010
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2. A defensive and honorable maneuver where a friend successfully has sex with a chick that is stalking you, freeing you up to score with someone else. The need for the cock shield arises when the act of having sex with the stalker will lead to a bunch of bad consequences.

This is similar but subtly different to being a wing man, a cock block and the cock shield def 1. as your friend is trying to avoid you having sex with one person so that you may have sex with another.
Dude, thanks for the cock shield last night. I now have at least another month or so before she'll be back in full force tying to get me to sleep with her again - nightmare averted!
by KeepItCoolYo July 13, 2010
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