14 definitions by Kazyan

To achieve a state in which emotions like stress and worry are amplified. Commonly associated with OCD, deadlines, and middle aged women. Sometimes 'Freak'.
"If I don't get this thing done I'm going to freak out!"
by Kazyan July 13, 2006
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An exclamation used in a suprising situation, usually with negative circumstances for the speaker.
"Thank goodness, those clowns almost got me--HOLY CRUD THEY'RE STILL HERE!"
--Billy, "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy"
by Kazyan September 30, 2006
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A pair of scissors that has been made so that they are unable to cut anything besides human flesh, and therefore considered "childproofed". This supports the theory that humans are getting stupider (see airport and educational television).
"Safety scissors are comletely useless."
by Kazyan July 14, 2006
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(adj.) Having a lower amount of bady fat than the average in whatever country or province you happen to be in. Many women and tenage girls envy this quality, maybe because of the many problems that can be caused by being overweight and the increase in overweight and obese population in the world.
People who are 'skinny' are sometimes frowned upon. Girls who come naturally with this trait, probably by way of a high metabolism, are normally rather proud.
Needless to say, more extreme versions of this trait are dangerous and unhealthy.
Crazy teenage guy #1 who gets intoxicated every twelve hours: Dude, that girl is so skinny!

Crazy teenage guy #2 who gets intoxicated every twelve hours: Yeah. I bet she's anorexic or summit.

*Teenage girl approaches guys*

Teenage girl: I'm sick and tired of you stupid jerks insulting me every day because of my weight! I know I'm underweight and I've increased my calorie intake so you two can just shut the **** up!

*Girl runs away in a fury*

Crazy teenage guy #2 who gets intoxicated every twelve hours: ...did that just happen?

Crazy teenage guy #1 who gets intoxicated every twelve hours: No, man. Hey, let's go get wasted!
by Kazyan October 20, 2006
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1. (noun) Any over-the-top fan of anything, but normally used to describe tweens and 40+ year old women who obsess over American Idol contestants.

2. (verb) To act in a manner that would suggest being a fantard.

Derived from "fan" and "retard".

Often simply "tard", especially when used in a compound noun to specify the person whom the fans adore.

The term is mostly used on Vote For The Worst.
1. I found a small group of Cooktards on an online forum praying for David Cook's album to go quadruple platinum.

2. I caught my little sister fantarding over Barack Obama at the rally. She was waving signs, screaming, and generally making a fool of herself.
by Kazyan October 19, 2008
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The main character in the Japanese TV show Pokemon. Ash is not only a complete idiot but he is homosexual. Wherever he goes he spreads stupidity. His archrival Gary is pretty much the only thing to prevent Ash from spreading stupidity and suckage around the world besides Ash's Pikachu, whom Ash has basically ensalved and forces to be cute and happy. His enemies are mainly Team Rocket, who deserve a madel for their determination to stop the world from being consumed by gayness. In actuality, they don't need to: Ash sucks eggs at whatever he does.
"Ash Ketchum, is it? Good, I've been looking for you." *pulls out shotgun*
by Kazyan July 14, 2006
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1: A human of unusual size. You know what I'm talking about.

2: A pink tub of lard created by the twisted minds at Nintendo that has the ability to swallow stuff and gain strange and sometimes disturbing powers.

3: A person on a Roleplaying board who is addicted to pacifism and online cleanliness and therefore annoys the crud out of people whom they see are roleplaying something anywhere close to PG or higher. Commonly found on Neopets.
1. Uh oh, kirby at 3 o' clock! Run!

2. Kirby, you are one strange...thing.

3. That kirby just reported me becuase my RP character accidentally hit someone!
by Kazyan July 15, 2006
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