20 definitions by Katie Tran

The most edge PBS "ad" where a small group of musicians get so involved with the music they start smashing their instruments.
Dude, did you see that guy smash his cello in that "Be Passionate" ad on PSB?
by Katie Tran July 12, 2004
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A musical genre that includes everytype of music. This is usually a sarcastic response given when some lame scenester asks what type of music you listen to after listing 20+ genres that may or maynot exist.
Scenester: Yeah so I listen to gothcore, disco ska, plip hop, darkwave, lightwave, gabber, and science rock. So what kind of music are you into?

Sarcastic nonscenester: Music core.
by Katie Tran January 29, 2004
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1. Useless, worthless

2. To cause someone to lose hope; To disapoint; Burst your bubble
1. I don't think she should be on our team. She's a screen door on a submarine.

2. (From the Venture Bros.)
Hank: Aww come on, let me at 'em, Brock! I probably know Judo! How many of those guys can make the same boast?!
Brock: No.
Hank: Why must you be the screen door on my submarine, Brock?
by Katie Tran December 20, 2006
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When something sucks really bad.
"God this class really sucks fuck"
by Katie Tran December 21, 2003
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A phrase that essentially means huh or "what did you say?".

Mainly used in southern states by young people with bad hearing.

Often shortened to "Do what?".
Person: "I need a large fries"
Person2: "Do what?"
by Katie Tran July 22, 2005
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