13 definitions by KatChamber

1*mexican slang for fellatio.

2*it is also used to descrive something lame.

3*mamon is a branch of that same word.
mamon would be used to descrive someone thats arrogant, an asshole.
1*Gina gives greeeeate mamadas!!

2*what the fuck is up with all the mamadas youve done?!

3*I hate THat fucking mamon son of a bitch!!
by KatChamber August 29, 2007
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chilo/chido (mexican slang) = cool
hey wey, yesterdays party was fucking chilo!!
by KatChamber August 19, 2007
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something that tends to produce acne or make it worst.
dont!, that soap is comedogenic!!!
by KatChamber August 28, 2007
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literally in Gaellic would mean "Son Of Cain"
Iam KatChamber McCain
by KatChamber August 6, 2007
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mexican word for a 40oz beer.
hey dude, would you like to go get some cawamas and pistear for a while?
by KatChamber August 19, 2007
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1- mexican slang for saying somehtings way too easy.

2- what happens to penises after fucking except for sircumsised penises.

you can also use it as Pelaste(past), Pelas(present), Pelado(masculine), Pelar(action).

You can also PELAR potatoes, cucumbers, apples, etc.
1- dude, that fucking test was very pelada.
2- she likes to pelar my verga.
3- you should go to the kitchen and pelar some potatoes for dinner.
by KatChamber August 19, 2007
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somebody that cares too much about sex on a relationship that theyre far from falling in love.
Cain: "i love you babe!"
Cainlana: "so you wanna fuck?"
Cain: "again?"
Cainlana: "if you love me youll fuck me!!"
Cain: "do you love me?"
Cainlana: "no, im too sexual for love"
by KatChamber August 20, 2007
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