1 definition by Karlone

The English language originated from England and throughout early centuries was mostly forced upon most of the world's inhapitants. It is one of the most common languages spoken in modern times.

English is the nationality of any who were born in England, the term "British" is mainly used by English people to describe themselves abroad. English people receive a lot of vocal abuse directly and indirectly from other nationalities. There is a lot of hatred of us from around the world not to mention hatred in Britain, because we gave them reasons to hate us, the British Empire for one; it travelled a large majority of the world and conquered foreign lands and enslaved it's indegious civilians, but don't forget, us English people were once invaded and conquered, i.e The Roman Empire, the Normans and Scandinavian Vikings. There are a lot of English idiots who are bigots and take other people for granted very easily, the common English twat who normally hates the Irish, welsh and scottish people without ever meeting one, the common English nice bloke sometimes likes to go down to the pub and have a pint and chat with its patrons, make sure their kids grow up right and be respectful but not be pushovers, as the same with a lot of other people.

I for one who is obviously English grew up not hating people who aren't white, because I was related to people had black skin.
England's history is very interesting despite it's brutality and sadism; my favourite country is Wales for it's beautiful mountainous landscape which looks nice on sunny days, some people think Wales has bad weather but where other places doesn't have bad weather, even though it has been a long time since I visited Wales and someday plan on going back, I've never been to Ireland but I am going on a trip there next year and I haven't been to Scotland. I am 17 and have been a lazy twat all summer but will be going to college and when I turn 18, reality will kick my arse.twat
"The English are bigots"
"Yes we are but if I was a bigot would I be talking to a forigner like you?"

English guy #1"I hate the bloody stupid Irish people"
English guy #2 (Me)"Okay name one Irish person you hate"
English guy #1"Well...I...a... don't know one but they are stereotypes as they say insults about us"
Me"And what make s you any differnt from an Irish stereotype?"

Me"I love Dara O'Brien, he's my favourite comedian"
Other guy"He's Irish"
Me"I know that adds flavour to his jokes"

Me"Frankie Boyle is the master of comedians"
Friend"I hate when he throws jokes at us English"
Me" I don't, I laughed my nuts off when he said all the Scots will be sitting on mountains watching the English drown when climate change kicks in"
by Karlone August 5, 2009
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